Pest Solutions Prevention

Pest Solutions are methods used to prevent or eliminate pest infestations. They can range from simple outdoor recipes to sophisticated microbe-based solutions engineered from bacteria.

There was a time when pest control involved using harsh chemicals to eliminate the problem. Today, there are a variety of green pest solutions that exterminators can use without posing a risk to people or pets. Click the to learn more.

One of the best ways to prevent pests from infesting a home or business is to keep it clean. Pests are attracted to dirty areas, food sources and water. Keeping things clean can help deter many different types of pests, including rodents, cockroaches, ants, fleas and mosquitoes. Cleaning up crumbs, wiping down counters and floors, and vacuuming carpets can make a home less attractive to pests.

It is important to scout the area regularly to look for places where pests may lay eggs or have shelter. A good place to start is by examining the outside of a home, looking under leaves, along foundation walls and at bait stations. Also, look inside the house for places where pests can hide. For example, store clothes and linens in sealed containers to protect them from moths or use screens on windows to deny access to the interior of a home.

Changing the environment to reduce the amount of available food and shelter can also help prevent pests. This can be done by eliminating trash piles, increasing the frequency of garbage pickup, and storing garbage in closed containers. It is also important to avoid putting out pet food, milk, and other products that attract pests.

There are also things that can be done to change the environment to make it less favorable for pests, such as altering temperature and moisture levels. This can be accomplished by constructing barriers, using lights and other forms of energy, and controlling soil conditions.

Sometimes, the seriousness and scope of a pest problem will call for the use of a pesticide. In these cases, a pest control technician will choose a chemical that poses the least risk to people and pets, while still being effective against the pest in question. This is called integrated pest management (IPM). When the correct steps are taken in prevention, suppression and detection, the need for pesticides should be reduced. However, if the need arises, always follow environmental guidelines when applying any type of pesticide. This will ensure that the least possible harm is done to the environment and to people.


Pest infestations are a nuisance, causing damage to property and health risks from droppings and gnawing. When left unchecked, pests can be a big problem for commercial and residential properties. These pests can destroy buildings, create fire hazards and contaminate food supplies.

The most common pest control solution is the use of chemicals to eliminate existing infestations and prevent future ones. However, there are many green alternatives to this type of treatment. For example, neem oil, peppermint oil, boric acid and vinegar can all be used to repel pests and stop them from entering your home or business. Many of these are also easily available from your local hardware or home improvement store.

A microbial pesticide, like the bacteria bacillus thuringiensis (better known as Bt), is another popular form of eco-friendly pest control. These bacteria are naturally occurring in soil and have been developed into strains that target specific insects. While effective, they have the added benefit of being safer for people and the environment than traditional chemical pesticides.

Threshold-based decision-making refers to a pest management technique that relies on scouting and monitoring, rather than preemptively taking action when a pest is detected. For example, a single wasp sighting may not warrant action, but a wasp colony should be monitored and if found, the nest should be located and destroyed. In some cases, thresholds can be crossed and a more aggressive approach to pest control may be required.

While prevention is the preferred method of pest control, there are times when it is simply not possible. The severity of the pest problem and the conducive conditions may necessitate the use of a more drastic measure. The chosen pesticide should always be one that poses the least risk to people, pets and the environment and is used with utmost discretion.

Green pest solutions are becoming more prevalent among high-quality professional pest control companies. If you want to learn more about how to keep pests out of your home or business, contact Attention Pest Solutions today. Our team is Commercial Applicator Certified and experienced in all facets of residential and commercial pest control.


Most pests invade buildings through cracks, crevices and holes in the structure. In addition, they enter through doors and windows that aren’t properly sealed. They can also sneak in through unsecured crawlspaces. Some pests come inside looking for shelter from cold weather, while others seek food.

When stored product pests, like flour and grain beetles, moths and weevils, infest food items, they can quickly spread throughout the facility. Infestation is often not detected until the presence of webbing on container surfaces, a musty odor or visible signs of pest activity, like gnats and fleas. Detection is crucial, and should include careful examination of food products including pet foods, dried flowers and foliage, potpourri, rice, bird seed, spices, candy and chocolates. It is also important to examine holiday decorations for signs of pests.

Detection can be achieved through monitoring the presence of pests using sticky traps, pheromone or light traps. Monitoring areas where food is being stored can also be accomplished by placing a pheromone-based tracking powder along the floorboards where pests are likely to roam. Organizing shelves and cabinets so that they are easy to inspect can help decrease the labor costs of a detection program. Clear lines of sight on floors also help reduce the time and effort needed to inspect.

Eliminating entry points is another way to prevent pests from entering a museum establishment. Inspecting new and existing windows, doors and floorboards for gaps, cracks or signs of rodent activity can be a good place to start. Adding weather stripping to doors and caulking around windows can go a long way toward denting the number of pests that can enter a home or building.

Pests can also enter a home through unsecured vents, chimneys and roof vents. Regular cleaning and repairing these areas can eliminate the insects that enter through them. Keeping woodpiles away from the foundation of buildings and removing debris can help stop pests from nesting in these areas as well. Similarly, keeping grass trimmed and not having overgrown shrubbery can reduce the chances of rodents living in it and coming into houses.


Pests are organisms that affect human activities, crops and food supplies, spoil property, damage or spread disease, and disrupt natural ecosystems. Pest control is the process of managing or eliminating those unwanted organisms. Pest control measures include prevention, suppression and treatment. Pests can be rodents, birds, insects or weeds. Some of the most common pests include cockroaches, ants, bees, wasps, termites and mosquitoes.

The best way to avoid infestations is preventative pest control services. These services focus on keeping properties free of pests, both inside and out. This includes regular yard maintenance to remove any invasive plants and removing trash on a regular basis. It also includes fixing any leaky pipes and addressing high moisture areas to prevent pest breeding grounds.

Clutter can provide places for pests to hide or breed, so it’s important to keep the house and office clean and organized. Remove stacks of newspapers and magazines, vacuum and sweep regularly, and store foods in tightly-fitting containers. This can help to minimize pantry pests like drugstore beetles, flour beetles, grain beetles and Indian meal moths as well as flies and fruit flies.

If preventative measures aren’t enough, there may be times when a pest control company will need to resort to more aggressive methods of treatment. This can involve the use of pesticides or baits to eliminate pests that have already begun to breed or invade property. This is usually done by a professional pest control technician and is always discussed with the customer first.

Some chemical pesticides are more harmful than others, so pest control technicians should always try to use the least-toxic method of eradication. This is why it’s often better to let a professional do the job, as they can ensure that the right chemicals are used in the appropriate places and at the correct dosages to keep people, pets and the environment safe. Some green pest solutions are becoming more common and are considered safer than traditional pesticides. These include nematodes and microbial pesticides. The most well-known type of microbial pesticide is Bacillus thuringiensis, which has been developed into strains that target specific types of pests.