The Role of a Probate Lawyer

A probate attorney manages the legal transfer of a person’s money, property and assets after death. They also assist with matters like debt resolution and clearing titles.

Probate Attorney

When a loved one dies, their estate has to be divided among beneficiaries and heirs per their stipulations in the will or in accordance with state laws if they died without a will. Contact Koestner & Shahon to know more about Probate Attorneys.

A probate attorney assists families in settling the estate of a loved one after their death. They can either act as advisors, providing guidance and legal expertise to executors, or they can take a more active role in helping the executors administer the estate. The extent of their involvement depends on the unique circumstances and complexities involved in each case.

In addition to their advisory roles, they help ensure that the estate is properly administered and distributed according to the decedent’s wishes. This includes identifying assets, gathering those assets, settling debts, filing final income and estate taxes, and making distributions to heirs. They also assist beneficiaries with any queries or concerns that may arise during the probate process.

Probate lawyers also frequently work with financial managers and insurance specialists. As a result, they need to have strong verbal and written communication skills. They must also be able to effectively explain complex legal matters in a way that is easily understandable by their clients, executors, and beneficiaries.

A good probate lawyer has a thorough understanding of state law governing estate property. This is important, because each state has its own laws that differ slightly from the Uniform Probate Code. Additionally, they should be familiar with the particular judges that handle probate cases in their area.

If there are disputes or challenges to the estate, a probate lawyer can represent parties in probate litigation. For example, if a beneficiary believes that the will was invalid because it was signed under duress or under undue influence, the probate attorney can help defend that person’s rights.

Some people find the idea of settling a loved one’s estate extremely challenging, especially in the immediate aftermath of their death. These individuals should seek out the advice of a probate attorney to avoid any unnecessary delays or financial burdens. In addition to their legal knowledge, they can help ease the emotional stress that often accompanies this difficult task. Probate attorneys can provide as much or as little assistance as needed, and they typically charge hourly rates or flat fees. Choosing an attorney who offers both options is beneficial, as it allows you to choose the level of services you need without worrying about exceeding your budget.

The Process of Administering an Estate

The estate of a deceased person must be managed and distributed to their heirs and legatees (people named in the will) according to the stipulations of their will and state law. The process, called probate, can take up to a year.

While the responsibilities of an executor or personal representative of an estate can be complicated, they can often be simplified with the help of a probate lawyer. A lawyer can assist with identifying estate assets, gathering those assets, filing final income and estate tax returns, paying bills, and making final distributions to the heirs of an estate.

In many cases, the attorney will also handle communications with creditors and heirs, as well as coordinating professional appraisals of real estate or valuable items. They can also help the estate manager determine if it is necessary to sell estate property in order to settle debts or pay taxes. Finally, they can help the executor or personal representative prepare legal documents for court proceedings and filings, and they can provide advice and assistance throughout the entire estate administration process.

It is important for a probate lawyer to have excellent verbal and written communication skills in order to work with their clients, beneficiaries, financial managers and insurance specialists. Additionally, a lawyer must have a thorough understanding of the law and be able to explain complex matters in an understandable way.

If you’re interested in becoming a probate attorney, consider joining a professional association or attending a law school that offers a clinical program in estate law. This will allow you to gain hands-on experience with the complexities of probate law while developing your communication skills.

In some cases, the estate may be small enough to qualify for summary administration by affidavit, which can streamline the process and reduce fees. The administrator should also keep a close eye on the closing reserve to ensure that there are sufficient funds available for unanticipated claims and expenses. Finally, the administrator must file a detailed account with the court that details all transactions and payments made. The court then reviews this account and approves it before the estate is closed out.

Fees for Probate Lawyers

When you meet with a probate lawyer, be clear about how they will be paid. Probate lawyers are paid from the estate, which means that the fees they charge come out of money that is soon to be distributed to heirs. As such, they have an incentive to get the process wrapped up as quickly and inexpensively as possible.

Probate attorneys typically bill by the hour, and rates vary depending on where you live and how much experience your attorney has. Some attorneys may also charge a flat fee for some types of work, such as filing the initial paperwork in a case. These types of fees are generally negotiated and agreed upon with clients before the attorney begins working on a case.

In addition to an hourly rate, many attorneys will also charge for expenses incurred during the course of handling a probate case. These can include things like filing fees, property appraisals, and any other expense incurred during the course of the case. Additionally, many attorneys will charge for any court appearances that may occur during the probate process. For example, if you or your family contest the will, it will likely require a court appearance in which the lawyer will need to present evidence and answer questions from the judge.

One of the worst ways that an attorney can be paid is to collect a percentage of the value of the estate as their fee. Thankfully, this is only customary in a few states, and it is not required by law anywhere. It is highly recommended that you avoid this type of arrangement, as it will result in higher legal fees than necessary.

Whether or not an attorney charges by the hour, it is important to get all fee agreements in writing. This will help ensure that you are aware of exactly what the attorney is doing for you, and it can also protect you if disputes arise later on.

Probate attorneys often employ paralegals to assist with the filing of documents and other routine tasks. This helps them to keep their hourly rates down, and it can be beneficial for the client as well. If you are working with an attorney who has a paralegal, ask for details on their rates as well.

How to Find a Probate Lawyer

The death of a loved one comes with a lot of emotional healing, sorting through personal possessions and dealing with the financial ramifications. It’s a stressful process, and one that is often exacerbated by family members haggling over property or money. Hiring a probate attorney can help.

A local probate lawyer will be best able to understand your state’s laws and work to ensure that they are adhered to throughout the process. It’s also a good idea to hire a probate attorney who has malpractice insurance. This will provide you with peace of mind in case the attorney makes a mistake that results in financial losses for you or your estate.

When choosing a probate lawyer, you should take the time to do your research. Checking out a firm’s online reviews, testimonials and credentials can give you insight into how well they are suited for your case. You should also pay attention to their communication style. Probate cases can be complex, and you may need to consistently communicate with the law firm regarding updates on your estate. If the attorneys you interview do not have strong, clear communication skills or don’t respond to your questions quickly, it might be best to move on.

Another important factor to consider is the amount of experience a probate lawyer has. The more years they have been in practice, the more likely they are to have experience handling a wide range of probate cases. When you meet with a prospective attorney, be sure to bring any relevant documents such as wills, life insurance payouts, death certificates, and property appraisals.

How to File a Personal Injury Claim

A personal injury claim is a lawsuit filed by an injured person to obtain financial compensation from the party responsible for their injuries. It is also known as a tort. A lawyer at is a licensed professional who applies the law to specific cases. They represent clients in court by presenting evidence and interrogating witnesses.

Identifying the Defendant

personal injury claim

A personal injury claim seeks compensation from a person or company that causes harm, such as a car accident, medical malpractice, or workplace injury. These cases typically involve physical and emotional pain damages, financial burdens from lost wages, and future needs like disability accommodations and rehabilitation. A skilled lawyer can identify the responsible parties and help you pursue all the damages available.

Typically, the first step in a personal injury case is to file a complaint. This document lists important case details and alerts the defendant to the lawsuit. The defendant may then respond with defense strategies or even file a counterclaim. Your attorney will use this information to build your case and find evidence that supports the negligence or wrongful conduct you are claiming against the defendant.

In some cases, your attorney may also consider punitive damages against the defendant. These damages can punish the defendant for bad behavior such as gross negligence or criminal acts that caused you harm. These types of damages are rare, but they are awarded when the court feels it is necessary to make an example of the person or institution involved in the case.

Once the insurance companies are on board with a settlement, they will write you a check and send it to your attorney, who will then forward it to you. Typically, this process takes three weeks but delays due to clerical errors or other issues can occur. In a case that goes to trial, your personal injury attorney will present the facts of your claim to the judge or jury. The judge or jury will then determine whether the defendant should be liable and what award amount they should pay to you.

Gathering Evidence

The key to a successful personal injury case is evidence, and your attorney will gather all the necessary information to support your claim. Whether it’s the scene of your accident or medical records describing your injuries and their effects, the more information you have, the stronger your case will be.

Depending on the type of accident you have, physical evidence may be needed, such as torn or bloodied clothing, a broken item at the accident site, or video footage from security cameras. You should always try to gather as much physical evidence as possible before it is lost due to weather conditions or time.

Eyewitness testimony is also important. It can be difficult to remember details immediately after the accident, but if you have the contact information for anyone that witnessed your car accident or slip and fall, they can help back up your version of events. Whether it’s the other driver that saw the accident or employees at the store where you fell, anyone who witnessed your injury can provide valuable testimony.

Medical records are crucial to your case, as they will prove the severity of your injuries and the impact on your life. These can include receipts for any treatments you have received, surgery reports, and diagnostic test results such as X-rays and MRIs. Obtaining records from your primary care physician can be useful as well, as they will show the long-term effects of your injuries and the ongoing impact on your health. In addition, you should keep a diary of your daily activities to show how your injuries have affected you. This will help in proving your need for compensation for general damages such as loss of enjoyment of life and mental anguish.

Preparing the Complaint

The next step in the personal injury claim process is preparing the complaint to support your case. This is typically done by your attorney in a formal civil court proceeding. It is a legal document that begins the lawsuit and provides an opportunity to explain your version of how the accident happened and how you were hurt.

In a personal injury lawsuit, the complaint is typically based on an allegation of negligence. This is a legal term that means someone failed to act in a reasonable manner and this failure caused an accident that resulted in you getting injured. Depending on the facts in your case, you may claim gross negligence, which is more severe than standard negligence.

Often, a personal injury lawsuit includes claims for both special and general damages. Special damages are measurable costs like medical bills and lost wages, while general damages include less measurable expenses like pain and suffering. Your lawyer will evaluate the evidence in your case to determine how much you are entitled to receive for both types of damages.

Once your attorney has prepared and filed the complaint, they will begin the discovery process with the defendant’s insurance company. This is a fact-finding stage that accounts for most of the personal injury lawsuit timeline. This involves both sides exchanging information, including documents and witness testimony. Your attorney will also prepare interrogatories and requests for admission to get answers from witnesses under oath.

During this phase, your attorney will also consult expert witnesses to help display how your accident occurred and your injuries happened. These experts can also provide testimony to demonstrate that the defendant was liable and how much your claim is worth.

Filing the Complaint

When a person gets hurt in an accident, the first priority is their safety. After that, medical professionals must document the extent of their injuries and losses. Those documents will be used to support a personal injury claim.

Once your lawyer has a clear picture of the incident, they will file a legal document known as the complaint. This is an official request that the defendant accept liability for your injuries and other losses. It will usually be served to the defendant within a certain timeframe, such as 30 days after filing. Your lawyer will work with professional process servers or law enforcement officials to ensure the defendant receives their copy of the complaint.

Your lawyer will then explain the facts of your case in the complaint, including how you were injured and what your losses are. They will also make a request for compensation. While it is not a requirement to include an amount you are seeking, your lawyer will use the evidence of your injuries and other losses to calculate how much your claim is worth.

If the defendant does not agree to your requested amount, or if they do but are unwilling to pay it, your lawyer may choose to take your case to trial. However, your lawyer will still make every effort to negotiate a fair settlement.

In many cases, a judge or jury will decide the outcome of your personal injury claim. They will weigh the evidence, determine who is responsible for the incident, and award you with a court-set compensation amount. Depending on the case, you could also be entitled to punitive damages in some cases. If a company has committed egregious misconduct that caused an accident, you could be awarded additional amounts.

Negotiating the Settlement

The process of negotiating an insurance settlement can be long, frustrating and difficult. The length of the process depends on a variety of factors, including how severe your injuries are and your prognosis for recovery. The number of parties involved is another factor that can prolong the negotiation process. The amount of the damages you have suffered may also be a factor in how fast your case settles.

The insurance company will often start off negotiations with a low offer. This is a strategy they use to test your patience and to see how much you believe your claim is worth. An experienced lawyer will know how to respond to a low initial offer. He or she will carefully review the damages you have incurred and determine what your claim is actually worth.

When determining your claim’s value, it is important to consider all of your losses, including emotional distress and pain and suffering. While it is impossible to put a dollar figure on these components of your loss, they can go a long way toward convincing the insurance company that you deserve a fair settlement.

It is important to keep all of your records organized and prepared for the negotiation process. It is also a good idea to take notes during meetings with the insurance adjuster and to ask that all conversations be recorded in writing.

If you are able to negotiate a fair settlement, the insurance company will typically send you a written agreement to sign. The agreement will detail the amount you are receiving and what injuries and damages it covers. The agreement must be negotiated and signed by both parties in order to become effective.

Best Lawyers In US

A Guide To Finding The Best Lawyers In US

Choosing the right attorney is an important decision that requires careful consideration. It is often best to choose one who has extensive experience in the specific area of law that you need assistance with.

Attorneys in larger firms have access to resources that might benefit your case, and can help you avoid unnecessary costs. However, you must also consider their fees when selecting an attorney.

1. Look at their website

If you want to find the best lawyer, you should first check out their website. It will give you a good idea of how they present themselves to their clients. A good lawyer should have a clean, professional-looking site that puts their clients at ease. It should also include information on the types of cases they take, how much their services cost and how long their case will last. It is also important to find out whether or not they charge for consultations.

If the lawyer’s website doesn’t have this information, it’s a red flag. You should also ask for references from past clients. If the attorney doesn’t have any references, you should move on to another candidate. It is also helpful to get referrals from other professionals, such as accountants, insurance agents and real estate brokers. They often have experience working with business lawyers and can provide you with a valuable recommendation.

Lawyers are a little different than other businesses, as they are restricted from making certain claims on their marketing materials. However, that doesn’t mean that they can’t have a great website. A lawyer’s website can act as a central hub for communication with prospects and existing clients through email, phone, live chat, social media and more. It can also help establish credibility and trust through testimonials, case studies, blog writing, bar and association memberships and more.

For example, this business litigation law firm website uses an attractive design and simple messaging to put their audience at ease. This helps them build trust with their prospective clients by showing that they understand the challenges of running a business and how to help them succeed.

The website for this personal injury firm is easy to navigate, with clear and concise text that gets straight to the point. It also features a list of case results to prove that they have the experience and knowledge to win your case.

Founded in 1981, Best Lawyers is the original lawyer ranking company with their trademarked “Purely Peer Review” methodology. They produce local, national and international rankings for attorneys and firms in virtually every practice area imaginable. They also publish a magazine and offer advertising opportunities.

2. Ask for references

If you want to get to know an attorney a little bit better before scheduling a consultation, ask them for a list of past clients. You may be able to get a sense of their personality from what former clients have had to say about them. This can also help you determine if you’ll be a good fit for one another and whether or not they are experienced enough to take on your case.

It is also a good idea to find out if they are listed in Best Lawyers. The Best Lawyers in America is a directory of attorneys who have been rated by their peers in the legal industry. The directory has been published for over three decades and is considered the most reliable, unbiased source of legal referrals. This year, Best Lawyers analyzed over 12 million votes and included more than 53,000 attorneys across 146 practice areas and all 50 states.

Ideally, you should speak with several attorneys before choosing one to represent you in your case. You can use tools like FindLaw to narrow your search based on factors like geographic location, language and free consultations. You can also use the site to find out more about the laws in your state and how they pertain to your situation.

Once you have found a few lawyers that meet your criteria, it’s time to start asking for references. Many people are reluctant to provide references, but it’s important that you don’t take it personally if someone declines. Before you ask, think about why they may be hesitant and try to understand their perspective. If you suspect that they may decline, consider preparing alternate referees.

Several Sher Garner attorneys have been named in the 2024 edition of The Best Lawyers in America, including five lawyers who were named “Lawyer of the Year” in their respective practice areas and more than 30 attorneys included in the guide’s Ones to Watch list. The guides are based on an exhaustive peer review evaluation process in which tens of thousands of leading lawyers confidentially evaluate their professional peers.

3. Schedule a consultation

Once you have a list of potential attorneys, contact each and schedule a consultation. Typically, attorneys will schedule free consultations for prospective clients to determine if they are a good fit. During the consultation, attorneys will ask questions about your situation and provide you with legal options.

If you have any specific questions, be sure to bring them with you to the consultation. This will help to ensure that the attorney has all of the information necessary to provide a good assessment. Also, be sure to bring any relevant court documents, transcripts, orders or other evidence that may have a bearing on your case.

Many attorneys will also provide you with a copy of their fee schedule at the consultation. This will allow you to compare fees and costs among potential attorneys. Generally speaking, attorneys charge between $100-$400 for their hourly rates. However, it is important to remember that the cheapest lawyer is not necessarily the best, and the most expensive attorney is not necessarily the worst.

In addition to the Best Lawyers lists, there are several other organizations that publish lawyer rankings. These rankings are based on confidential peer feedback surveys, and only lawyers who have been selected by their peers are included in the rankings. The attorneys that are chosen to be in the top of their respective practice areas and regions are considered the best in their fields.

Attorney rankings are a common form of attorney marketing, and they have become increasingly popular as more people use the Internet to find attorneys and law firms. The rankings are often used to increase an attorney’s visibility and credibility, but they should be taken with a grain of salt. It is important to note that an award or designation from a particular organization does not guarantee that an attorney will be successful in handling your case or that you will receive a positive outcome.

A quick and easy way to locate the best lawyers in your area is to visit a website like FindLaw. This site provides an online directory of hundreds of attorneys across the United States, and it is easy to search by specific geographic locations and practice areas. The website even allows you to narrow your results based on your language preferences. If you are looking for an experienced, knowledgeable attorney in your area, be sure to check out the attorneys on FindLaw.

4. Ask for a fee estimate

When you schedule a consultation, it’s a good idea to ask about their fee estimate. While most attorneys charge between $100-$400 per hour, the rate varies depending on their experience and caseload. Ideally, you want to find an attorney who can help you resolve your legal issue at the lowest cost possible. Some attorneys may charge a consultation fee to protect their time and prevent clients from seeking other representation, but most will offer a free consultation to assess your case.

Some attorneys will also charge a retainer fee to cover the costs of your case, such as filing fees, court reporters, and copies of any relevant documents. The retainer fee will be refunded once the case has been resolved, but it’s important to ask about this up front to avoid any surprises.

Another way to find a good lawyer is to get personal referrals from friends, family members, co-workers, and business associates. These sources can provide valuable information about the lawyer’s skills, ethics, and client satisfaction level. They may even be able to recommend a lawyer who is a good fit for your unique situation.

Many websites, such as Lawrina Match, allow you to search by your legal issue and practice area and then view attorney resumes in seconds. This will give you a complete picture of each attorney’s credentials and experience. This can save you a lot of time and effort when finding the best lawyer for your case.

Getting a reputable lawyer can be difficult, especially if you are in need of a specialist. While the majority of lawyers will have some kind of rating, it is important to choose one that specializes in your specific type of legal issue.

For example, if you need an estate planning attorney, you will want to make sure they have extensive experience in the area of law you need. It’s also important to look at their track record with other cases similar to yours.

Having a lawyer you can trust is critical for any legal matter. A reliable lawyer can protect your rights, protect your assets, and ensure that the court treats you fairly.